I think I’m asking for it with this post so hopefully I don’t make any mistakes haha!
But I’m not really talking about accidental mis-spellings (everyone makes mistakes!) but what really grinds my gears is the wrong use of….

There, Their and They’re,  it’s, its, and its’ …and don’t get me started on the wrong use of apostrophes…

So here are my top five examples of bad grammar that will get right under your skin:



 They got the last one right! *bangs head against wall* They got…the last one…right…


  If that’s what she finds inspiration in I think we’d better avoid this woman…



If there’s one certain way to undermine an insult…


That is literally tattooed on your skin for life.
And for my handpicked number one…it had to be this…


Correcting bad grammar with bad grammar. Need I say any more?

16 thoughts on “Are you a member of the grammar police? (Five examples that will make you mad!)

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