If you’re interested in getting an ARC of an upcoming Dystopia YA please check out my sister’s blog!! And don’t forget to follow her she’s an amazing writer! (I have read all her books and I promise it’s fantastic so don’t miss this chance to get a free copy of the first book in The Cage of Lies Saga!)

Susanne Valenti

On October 1st my book Chained is going on sale and I’m looking for anyone who would be interested in having an advanced copy in return for an honest review (feel free to love it 😍). If you know anyone else who would be interested then please let them know too ☺️

I’m also up for doing cover reveals and interviews and anything else that anyone would like me to do!

I can’t think of a better group of people to read it first and I’m seriously excited whilst simultainiously terrified but that’s okay lol.

So if you don’t know what Chained is about, here’s the blurb:

Terrified of the contamination and the creatures it has created, humanity hides behind The Wall. No one knows what lies beyond the wasteland. Maya has never thought much about what might still be out there, lurking in the forgotten places. But when she’s…

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