If you laugh…you have to subscribe! Mahahaha

Okay so i have very few subscribers and though I deeply love you both (haha) I would like to have a few more!

BUT I’m not asking you to subscribe willy nilly. Why would you? When you could be out subscribing to J.K.Rowling, or Cassandra Clare or George R.R Martin. Why don’t you go subscribe to those people right? Afterall, they’re offering you something already! 

So I present to you a challenge! If you laugh at the following meme you must honour your vow to subscribe but if not I’ll let you go on your way – and I don’t want any pity subscribers either! 

By subscribing to my newsletter you’ll get all the latest updates on my writing before anyone else! But also tips, tricks, and deals! I won’t spam you either, I promise! And, of course, I won’t share your email with anyone else and any time you want to unsubscribe you’re just one click away from doing so!

Here we are then….remember if you laugh you have to subscribe! If you can’t face the pressure then maybe you should turn back before it’s too late!

Laugh = Subscribe

No Laugh = May we meet again
You can click up there to subscribe or you can click here to subscribe

Or even ———————–> here
Oh and, just for your information, this one seriously had me laughing